Functional Movement Screening


Functional Movement Screen (FMS) can be used to identify asymmetries which result in functional movement deficiencies. The goal of the FMS is to identify imbalances in mobility and stability during seven fundamental movement patterns:

  • deep squat

  • hurdle squat

  • in-line lunge

  • shoulder mobility

  • active straight leg raise

  • trunk stability push-up

  • rotary stability

These movement patterns are designed to provide observable performance of basic locomotor, manipulative and stabilizing movements by placing an individual in extreme positions where weaknesses and imbalances become noticeable if appropriate mobility and motor control is not utilized. 

During the process of the screening, Matt will review any areas of deficiency and help with corrective exercises. This is also a pro-active method of preventing musculoskeletal injuries. Many young athletes and coaches of sports teams suggest their athletes undertake this screening to help with their development. 

Other Techniques/Services:

Rolfing Massage

Injury Rehabilitation

Event Preparation and Readiness