Osteostrong Boulder

One of the tools that Matt routinely uses in his own path to wellness is OsteoStrong. Once a week, you will find Matt at the Boulder-based gym off Arapahoe Road. OsteoStrong promotes osteogenic loading, which means the growth of new bone mass, through axial loading of the musculoskeletal systems. After warming up on a vibration plate, four simple and effective exercises are performed with the guidance of an OsteoStrong trainer. Many consider OsteoStrong as a “bio-hack” since the entire circuit takes less than 15 minutes, can be done in street clothes, and you attend just once a week. In addition to improving strength and bone health, osteogenic loading helps to prevent osteoporosis, regenerate bone loss caused by osteoporosis, increase force production, help with injury prevention, and it can also improve one’s balance.


Lake Eldora Racing Team

Next door to Matt Nasta’s Boulder studio is the headquarters of the Lake Eldora Race Team (LERT). LERT is the parent non-profit of Eldora Mountain Ski and Snowboard Club (EMSC) and Singletrack Mountain Bike Adventures (SMBA) both directed by Matt Tomasko. Matt formed EMSC in 1975 to provide a ski racing platform for local kids. In 1993, he expanded his vision to include mountain biking for kids of all levels and abilities.

What sets these programs apart is the focus and foundation Matt Tomasko provides kids - not only in developing their athletic skills, but also building fitness, character, confidence and life-enhancing skills.

Matt Nasta offers his wide range of physio skills to all LERT athletes, including functional fitness skills testing, injury prevention tips, strength training, manual therapy, and injury rehab.


B Strong

B Strong’s BFR Training system is one modality that Matt utilizes with his clients who are recovering from musculoskeletal injuries or surgery. BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) is a safe and effective way to reduce the loss of conditioning by allowing clients to exercise uninjured tissues with no or low load, during the recovery period. In additional to rehab, BFR is used for strength training, can be part of a low impact fitness program, will complement a higher intensity aerobic program, and can be used safely for clients of all ages.


iKOR Labs

iKOR Labs is a Boulder based company that specializes in recovery products. Matt Nasta was a co-founder of iKOR Labs in 2016. iKOR has set the bar for innovative testing and research of natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant ingredients that work holistically with CBD.

iKOR is best known for their Recovery Shots - a plant based alternative to ibuprofen - which fights inflammation and oxidative stress.

Recently, Dr. Andy Pruitt, founder of the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine and CU Sports Medicine and Sports Performance, joined the iKOR team as their Sports Medicine Consultant for Research and Product Innovation.
